Files Management

We love Marie Kondo. And with that being said, this includes organizing & structuring our project folders. A consistent structure allows us to quickly locate the needed files and makes developer & client hand-off way easier.

And in case of an emergency that a shipmate is out cold – any member of the team can quickly jump in and know where to assist. We also take our naming conventions seriously.

One Shared Folder To Rule Them All

We like to keep everyone's Google Drive clean. Some other prefer to sync in their files using Google Backup and Sync, while others would like to access it without losing precious hard drive space using Google File Stream.

Using Folders

Being a neat freak does have its advantages. But we don't really want to spend all our time just organizing. So we keep it simple for now:

🦄 Team Abstract
		🚩 Core (Anything internal)
		🚩 Projects (All project files)
				💎 Client Name
					✨ Project Scope 1
								01 Assets
								02 Source
								03 Deliverables
					✨ Project Scope 2
					✨ Project Scope 3

01 Assets

For project assets (fonts, logos, documents or anything sent by the client)

02 Source

For source files (psds, ai, ae, sketch)

03 Deliverables

For exported files (png, jpg, mp4)